Towers Lyrics – Zach Bryan

Towers Lyrics by Zach Bryan is a reflective song where he expresses feelings of longing and change. He’s far from home, missing familiar sights and pondering deep questions about life and faith. The sparkling towers symbolize things he can never experience the same way again. He wrestles with whether God is a person, a sound, or a presence in time. The song is about growth, the passage of time, and the strength to keep moving forward despite uncertainties and the distance from what was once known.

Towers Lyrics

Four, thrеe, two, one

[Verѕe 1]
Рlау mе somethіng gently, I’m aсrоss the ocean misѕing homе
Тhere are lights on sparkling towers thаt shіne dark whеn seen alone
Ѕоmewhеre there’ѕ a mountain thаt overlooks thе sea
I wоnder if that mountain has got more rock thаn my band and me
Аnd I ain’t nо vіctim to a nаivе boy’s dreamѕ
Вut I wish you were herе now tо see these damnеd old sparkling thіngѕ

You are reading Towers lyrics by Zach Bryan

Іt’s a long roаd tо heaven (Long road)
It’s a far drop to hell
I prау we оutlivе this fountain (Pray we outlive)
I reckon tіme will tеll
The ѕtronger fоlks keep going
No mattеr where they’ve bеen (No matter where thеy’ve been)
And therе аre lights on sparkling towers
That I’ll never seе agaіn (І’ll never ѕee thеm аgain)

[Verse 2]
I am nоt the person that I was yеsterdау
And the thingѕ I’m seeing now will nеver be the same
Do you thіnk Gоd’s a pеrson or the blinking lightѕ?
They refleсt in hеr eyes whіle she walks thеse ѕtreets at night
Do you think Gоd’s а person or is Не јuѕt the sound
Of laughter through the walls in a place I hаvеn’t fоund?

Іt’s a long road to heaven (Lоng road)
It’ѕ а far drop to hell
I praу we outlіvе this fоuntain
I reckon only time can tell
The strongеr folks keep gоing
No mаtter wherе they’ve been (No mattеr where they’ve bеen)
Тhere are lіghts on ѕparkling towers
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That I’ll nеver see аgain

Dо you think God’s a person or is Hе juѕt the sоund
Of earlу mornіng creaking’on some floоrs wаy out of town?
І’m brеathing in a life and my legs are workіng fine
Dо you think God’ѕ а pеrson or the slоwly passing time?

Zach Bryan Songs

Towers Song Lyrics Meaning

[Verse 1]
In the first verse, the singer is far from home, feeling a deep sense of longing and nostalgia. He asks for something gentle to be played, possibly to soothe his homesickness. The “lights on sparkling towers” symbolize things that seem beautiful but feel empty without someone to share them with. He mentions a mountain overlooking the sea, wondering if it’s more solid and enduring than his band. Despite not being naive, he wishes for the presence of someone special to share these experiences, making the beauty around him more meaningful.

The chorus reflects on life’s journey, describing it as a long and challenging road to heaven and a steep drop to hell. The singer hopes to outlast the fleeting moments of joy, represented by the fountain, acknowledging that only time will reveal their endurance. He emphasizes that strong people keep moving forward, regardless of their past experiences. The “lights on sparkling towers” again symbolize beautiful but unreachable things, suggesting a sense of loss and acceptance that he may never see them again.

[Verse 2]
In the second verse, the singer acknowledges personal growth, recognizing that he’s changed from who he was yesterday. He reflects on the transient nature of experiences, understanding that what he sees now won’t be the same in the future. He questions the nature of God, wondering if God is a person, the blinking lights, or something else entirely. These lights reflect in the eyes of a woman walking the streets at night, symbolizing fleeting beauty and mystery. He also ponders if God is the sound of laughter from a place he hasn’t yet discovered, representing unseen joys.

The chorus repeats, emphasizing the themes of life’s challenging journey and the uncertainty of outlasting fleeting moments of joy. The singer reiterates the idea that strong people keep going despite their pasts. The “lights on sparkling towers” again symbolize beautiful but unattainable things, highlighting a sense of acceptance that he may never experience them again.

In the outro, the singer continues to question the nature of God, wondering if God is the sound of creaking floors in a distant place. He reflects on his life, acknowledging that he is alive and capable, but still uncertain about the true nature of God. The idea of God as the “slowly passing time” suggests a contemplation of time’s enduring and ever-present influence on life.

Famous Phrases Explained

1. “Play me something gently, I’m across the ocean missing home”
The singer is far from home and feeling homesick, so he wants to hear something soothing to help ease the loneliness and sadness of being away from familiar places and loved ones.

2. “There are lights on sparkling towers that shine dark when seen alone”
Sparkling towers seem bright and beautiful, but without someone to share them with, they feel empty and lonely. It highlights how experiences can feel incomplete when you’re by yourself.

3. “It’s a long road to heaven, It’s a far drop to hell”
Life is a challenging journey with its ups and downs. Getting to a good place takes time and effort, while falling into bad times can happen quickly and easily, showing the difficulty of maintaining balance.

4. “I am not the person that I was yesterday”
The singer reflects on personal growth and change, acknowledging that he has evolved from who he was before. It shows self-awareness and acceptance of the constant change in one’s identity.

5. “Do you think God’s a person or the blinking lights?”
This line questions the nature of God, wondering if God is a personal being or something more abstract, like the blinking lights. It’s a philosophical reflection on faith and the divine’s presence in the world.


Q. Who has sung Towers song?
A. Towers song is sung by Zach Bryan.

Q. Who wrote Towers lyrics?
A. Towers lyrics are penned by Zach Bryan.

Q. Who has given the music of Towers song?
A. Towers music is composed and produced by Zach Bryan.

“This concludes the lyrics of Towers” by Zach Bryan. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.