Steel Hearts Lyrics – JT Music

Steel Hearts” by JT Music narrates a journey of transformation and unity amidst a futuristic, tumultuous world. The song speaks of a powerful entity, metaphorically a “Raven,” rising from destruction with a blazing trail, symbolizing change and resilience. It emphasizes the fusion of human and machine, portraying a struggle for purpose and identity. The protagonist, once a corporate pawn, discovers strength and unity, vowing to keep fighting and igniting hope. Ultimately, it celebrates collective power and survival against all odds.

Steel Hearts Lyrics

[Intro: Andrea Storm Kaden]
Among monoliths scraping the sky
There’s a Raven in flight
With a trail left blazing behind
We’re raising the tide
This season of change is breaking the ice
Adapt or decay – embrace it, ignite
Ascend with the flames, even fire has a will to survive
And you’ll find no other like mine

[Verse 1: JT Music]
Power without purpose

Untethered and boundless, but I’m
Bound to it, I’m burning
‘Cause it was in the furnace, I found it
Forged in ash, we fight as one
After cataclysm divided some
Abide with us, and rise above
With the mind of all, and the pride of none
I was nothing but a corporate pawn
Just another soldier to call upon
Always thought I was a discordant one
Until I struck a chord with a coral song
Armored to the Core – my core is strong
Because at the heart, I’m more than one
I swear by the air that is left in my lungs
This somatic shell I will shed myself from

[Pre-Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden]
Let me be the reason
To keep your cold heart beating
Burning with life, once it ignites
It’s just like a fire with the will to survive

[Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden]
Fear not what we’ll become
Should time turn every light dark?

All steel hearts beat as one
But you’ll find no other like ours

[Verse 2: JT Music]
Piloted by purpose, I am not
Puppeted, but empowered
I could move a mountain
Don’t think I won’t tear down some towns
How imposing of a close encounter
Yet now I know I’m no megalaphobe
Talk about an alien concept
There is no conquest beyond my scope
Out of my element, dancing with wolves
Rather than from them, I ran with the bulls
And all that I felt was symbiosis
Sentience not as we’ve known it
Bring with singularity, our freedom
Even this machine I’ll be released from
Beware where our consciousnesses collect
Phoenixes extinguished will just resurrect

[Bridge: Andrea Storm Kaden]
Now as monoliths fall from the sky
We can walk in the light
Fan the fires, and what will arise
Shall be larger than life

[Pre-Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden]
Let me be the reason
To keep your cold heart beating
Burning with life, once it ignites
It’s just like a fire with the will to survive

[Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden]
Fear not what we’ll become
Should time turn every light dark?
All steel hearts beat as one
But you’ll find no other like ours

Steel Hearts Lyrics Explained

Intro: Andrea Storm Kaden

In a world dominated by towering structures, a lone figure, the “Raven,” soars high, leaving a trail of light and change. This signifies a powerful transformation and a call to embrace change or face extinction. The imagery of fire symbolizes resilience and survival, suggesting that each individual has a unique, indomitable spirit.

Verse 1: JT Music

The verse delves into the feeling of having immense power without direction, feeling aimless yet bound to an inner fire discovered through adversity. The speaker, once a mere tool for a corporation, finds unity and strength in adversity, merging minds while shedding pride. They recount feeling out of place until finding harmony with a new purpose. Their core, now strong and resilient, symbolizes their evolution beyond being just a soldier. They vow to break free from physical constraints, suggesting a profound transformation and unity in the face of division.

Pre-Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden

The speaker offers themselves as a source of inspiration and life, likening the spark of life to a fire determined to survive. They aim to ignite passion and perseverance in others.

Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden

The chorus reassures that no matter what the future holds, they should not fear transformation. United, their “steel hearts” beat together, signifying strength in unity and the uniqueness of their collective spirit.

Verse 2: JT Music

This verse emphasizes the speaker’s transition from being purposeless to feeling empowered and capable of great feats. They confront challenges head-on, revealing their fearlessness and adaptability. The speaker highlights their evolution, embracing symbiosis and a new form of consciousness. They envision a future where freedom is achieved through singularity, and even if they fall, they will rise again like a phoenix. This underscores resilience, transformation, and the boundless potential of their united consciousness.

Bridge: Andrea Storm Kaden

As the old structures collapse, there’s an opportunity to move forward and embrace the light. This suggests that from destruction, something grander and more significant will emerge, symbolizing rebirth and growth.

Pre-Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden

The speaker reiterates their role as a source of inspiration, aiming to ignite life and determination in others, comparing it to a fire with an innate will to survive.

Chorus: Andrea Storm Kaden

The chorus repeats, reinforcing the message of not fearing the future. United in their strength and unique spirit, their “steel hearts” beat as one, emphasizing unity and resilience.

Famous Phrases with Meaning

1. “Among monoliths scraping the sky, there’s a Raven in flight”
Amidst towering structures, a lone figure (Raven) rises, symbolizing defiance and resilience in a world dominated by immense challenges.

2. “This season of change is breaking the ice, adapt or decay – embrace it, ignite”
Change is inevitable and transformative, urging us to adapt and thrive rather than succumb to stagnation, sparking growth and renewal.

3. “Ascend with the flames, even fire has a will to survive”
Rise through adversity, as even something as destructive as fire embodies a relentless will to endure and persist.

4. “Power without purpose, untethered and boundless, but I’m bound to it, I’m burning”
Possessing power without direction feels aimless, yet it fuels an inner fire and a search for meaningful purpose.

5. “Forged in ash, we fight as one, after cataclysm divided some”
United by shared struggles and forged through hardship, we come together to overcome divisions caused by past catastrophes.

6. “I was nothing but a corporate pawn, just another soldier to call upon”
The speaker reflects on being a disposable tool in a larger, impersonal system, lacking individuality and purpose.

7. “Always thought I was a discordant one until I struck a chord with a coral song”
Feeling out of place until finding harmony and connection with a new, collective purpose, transforming isolation into unity.

8. “Armored to the Core – my core is strong, because at the heart, I’m more than one”
Strengthened by inner resilience and unity, the speaker reveals that their core strength comes from being part of something greater.

9. “I swear by the air that is left in my lungs, this somatic shell I will shed myself from”
Vowing to transcend physical limitations and break free from constraints, embracing a higher form of existence.

10. “Fear not what we’ll become, should time turn every light dark? All steel hearts beat as one”
Reassuring that even in dark times, they remain united and strong, their collective spirit unbreakable and unique.


Who has sung “Steel Hearts” song?
JT Music has sung “Steel Hearts” song.

Who wrote the lyrics of “Steel Hearts” song?
JT Music has written the lyrics of “Steel Hearts” song.

Who has given the music of “Steel Hearts” song?
JT Music has given the music of “Steel Hearts” song.

“Steel Hearts” is a highly regarded and widely loved song in the USA. If you come across any mistake in its lyrics, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with the correct version.

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