In “IDEE CHIARE” by Geolier, the lyrics reflect on the complexities of relationships and self-awareness. Geolier explores themes of insecurity, uncertainty, and the struggle to find clarity amidst chaos. The song speaks to the dynamics of trust, the inevitability of disappointment, and the constant battle between good and bad. Geolier’s introspective verses delve into personal growth, acknowledging past mistakes, and the challenges of understanding oneself and others. The song’s emotional depth is heightened by its raw honesty and poignant delivery, resonating with listeners navigating their own journeys of self-discovery and love.


[Intro: Geolier]
Tu ‘o sapive
Tu ‘o sapive che nun ero niente ‘e bbuono, yeah
Yeah, yeah

[Strofa 1: Geolier]
Tu ‘o sapive che nun ero niente ‘e bbuono
Ma ‘o vulive vedé tu cu ll’uocchie tuoje
Nuje ce credimmo sulamente si ‘o vedimmo
E ce facimmo ‘ruosse sulo si cadimmo
Immagina na vita senza alte e basse
Tu t’annoiasse, i’ pure

Pecché na cosa, quanno è brutta, resta, ma, si è bella, nun dura
Malinconicamente penzo a primma e sorrido pure si stevo peggio
Simmo state poche e dato assaje
Comme se fà ê vvote ‘mmiez’ê guaje
Simmo ddoje cullane d’oro bianco
Simmo ddoje disastre
‘A vita in fondo è guerra, i’ l’affronto cu’tté pe poco
Ma ggiuro quase m”ess”a acciso sulo pe sta ‘nzieme cu’tté n’appoco
Si chiove in ogni modo

[Ritornello: Lazza & Geolier]
Baby, ti aspetto giù
Finché avrai le idee chiare
Solo senza le chiavi sotto il temporale, ma
Nun me saccio fidà ê vvote
E alla fine faccio bbuono
Quindi penzo sempe a male ‘e ll’ate accussì nun me sbaglio

[Strofa 2: Lazza]
Da tempo ho smesso di chiedermi il perché certe cose accadono
Fammi una foto sull’orlo del baratro
Per esser libero, ti uccido, Spartaco
È una bugia che qua gli eroi non cadono
Non sai quanti falsi ho visto lungo la mia via
Manca solo un muto dire a un sordo che c’è un cieco che li spia

Baby, so che penserai che è una follia
Dici: “Lo conosco bene”, invece non so chi io sia, ehi
Facciamolo forte finché perdiamo decenza
Senza mezza pausa come in un piano sequenza
Finché faremo fatica a guardarci negli occhi e
Sprechiamo parole, non ne capiamo l’essenza, ehi
Noi siamo una tempesta senza fine
Qua non esiste bene senza male
E nemmeno una rosa senza spine, ehi

[Ritornello: Lazza & Geolier]
Baby, ti aspetto giù
Finché avrai le idee chiare
Solo senza le chiavi sotto il temporale, ma
Nun me saccio fidà ê vvote
E alla fine faccio bbuono
Quindi penzo sempe a male ‘e ll’ate accussì nun me sbaglio

[Outro: Lazza]
Spiegami cosa pensi di me una volta buona
Capita che un uomo cerca quello che non trova
So che a breve mi lascerai solo, ma non ora, non ora

IDEE CHIARE Lyrics Meaning

[Intro: Geolier]
Geolier’s opening lines convey a sense of retrospective acknowledgment, almost as if saying, “You were aware, you knew I wasn’t exactly a beacon of goodness.” It’s a preamble to a song that delves into self-reflection and past imperfections, setting the stage for introspective exploration.

[Strofa 1: Geolier]
In the first verse, Geolier reminisces about a past relationship where both partners were fully aware of his shortcomings. Despite this awareness, they chose to see each other through their own subjective lenses. He paints a picture of imagining life without its inevitable highs and lows, recognizing that while moments of despair may endure, so too do moments of joy. Through melancholic introspection, he recalls smiling through tough times, suggesting resilience despite adversity. Geolier depicts the relationship as one between two imperfect beings, navigating life’s challenges together while acknowledging their flaws.

[Ritornello: Lazza & Geolier]
The chorus, performed by Lazza and Geolier, speaks to the act of waiting for clarity in a relationship. It conveys a sense of endurance amidst uncertainty, with an undertone of skepticism—almost a self-protective mechanism against disappointment. The repetition of “Nun me saccio fidà ê vvote” (I don’t trust sometimes) highlights a recurring theme of cautious optimism, implying a tendency to default to negative assumptions until proven otherwise.

[Strofa 2: Lazza]
Lazza’s verse delves into his personal journey of introspection, expressing a resignation from questioning the reasons behind life’s occurrences. He metaphorically describes himself as standing on the brink of a precipice, willing to go to extreme lengths for freedom—a freedom that seems elusive amidst the pervasive falsehoods he encounters. He laments the prevalence of deception and superficiality, lamenting the challenge of maintaining authenticity in a world filled with facades.

[Ritornello: Lazza & Geolier]
In the chorus reprisal, Lazza and Geolier reiterate the longing for clarity and trust in relationships. Their resolve to maintain positivity despite uncertainties underscores the resilience required to navigate the complexities of human connection. The repetition of “Nun me saccio fidà ê vvote” echoes the chorus’s earlier sentiment, emphasizing the struggle to maintain faith amidst doubt.

[Outro: Lazza]
Lazza’s closing lines confront the inevitability of judgment and abandonment, acknowledging the transient nature of human connections. Despite anticipating being left alone, there’s a sense of denial or postponement, perhaps indicative of a reluctance to confront harsh realities. These lines encapsulate the bittersweet nature of relationships, where the fear of abandonment coexists with the desire for authentic connection.

Famous Phrases Explained

1. “Nuje ce credimmo sulamente si ‘o vedimmo”
This phrase translates to “We only believed in each other when we saw each other.” It suggests that trust was based solely on personal observation and experience.

2. “Simmo ddoje cullane d’oro bianco”
Translated as “We were two white gold chains,” this metaphor signifies a valuable and pure connection amid turbulent times or challenges.

3. “Ma ggiuro quase m”ess”a acciso sulo pe sta ‘nzieme cu’tté n’appoco”
Meaning “But I almost killed myself just by being together with you for a little while,” this line conveys the intensity of emotional struggles within the relationship.

4. “Finché faremo fatica a guardarci negli occhi e Sprechiamo parole, non ne capiamo l’essenza”
Translated as “As long as we struggle to look each other in the eyes and waste words, we don’t understand their essence,” this phrase reflects communication difficulties and a lack of deeper understanding.


Who has sung “IDEE CHIARE” song?
Geolier has sung “IDEE CHIARE” song.

Who wrote the lyrics of “IDEE CHIARE” song?
Geolier has written the lyrics of “IDEE CHIARE” song.

Who has given the music of “IDEE CHIARE” song?
Geolier has given the music of “IDEE CHIARE” song.

“IDEE CHIARE” is a highly regarded and widely loved song. If you come across any mistake in the song text, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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